If you are a low-income senior and do not have your own paid-up house or are living on rent and and the expense weighs heavily on your finances, you should know that numerous assistance programs are available to you.
The government has many active programs for help in this situation because 17 million seniors in America live around or at the poverty line and may face housing problems.
Let us see which government programs could reduce this economic burden.
Housing Counseling Services
As a senior you can start from this resource to select the type of government housing support you need and see and if you are eligible.
It’s provided by “U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development” (HUD) for all persons in need, including seniors. The national HUD participating housing counseling agencies that match the need with locations, and assists also in checking eligibility to the various programs.
Department Reponsible : HUD.

Eligiblity of Seniors : Eligible.
Provided Services : Bringing Mortgage, Buying a Home, Home Improvement and Repair Services, Homeless Services, Managing or Budgeting Finances, Rental Housing Services, Reverse Mortgage, Fair Housing Rights/File Complaint.
How to Apply :
- Visit the housing counseling services portail.
- Select your ZIP Code, State.
- Select the service you need.
- Perform the search.
- Select and contact the nearest housing agency to apply.
Subsidized Rental Housing
These houses may be compact, but they usually have facilities for seniors such as ramps and rails, some form of transport, and even activities for groups.
The major benefit of this is that it is subsidized so you pay only 30% of your income, which is usually a low sum, compared to market rent.
The rent calculation is based on the monthly income adjusted with some deductions.
However, these are in short supply as the demand is higher. If you are fortunate, you may get the accomodation into certain areas, otherwise, you can go on the waitlist. The wait can be as long as several years in some properties, however.
- Subsidized rental housing is a program that helps low income people ( includes seniors ) find reduced rents.
- It may take time to find a place in a sudsidized property
- Link To apply : https://resources.hud.gov/
Assisted Living Facilities ( Eldercare homes )
As a senior citizen, if you have health issues, you may want to opt for assisted living facilities. This may be a viable option, if you can afford to pay a certain sum or if you have the insurance coverage for payment (most insurance companies do not cover this).
A nurse with an elderly gardening (c) AARP
The best part about this is that you can opt for the living area that you want, with the added facilities that you require such as cleaning, transport, meals and the like.
In these facilities, there are communities and this prevents loneliness and its added problems. Some facilities of this kind also assist with activities of daily life as an add-on (if required).
- Assisted living facilities are typically houses with 20 or fewer residents where personal care, meals, and 24-hour staff support are provided.
- Link To find your facility : Eldercare locator
Home Modification Help For Seniors
Now suppose you are a fortunate senior who has his own home and occupies it. But you need some modifications done to it because of certain problems you may have in walking, sitting, in the bathroom, kitchen, or anywhere else. You don’t have the funds to get this work done.
If you are in this situation, you may be able to avail of government aid for home modifications, subject to certain conditions. These can be in the form of loans or grants, and loans have to be repaid. This is the Section 504 Home Repair Program by the government.
You can get a loan of up to $40,000 at an extremely low interest rate to carry out modifications on your property, making it safer for you to stay there, adding safety features, and removing any hazards.
Or you can get a grant. Grants are up to $10,000 and need to be repaid if you sell the house within three years. In some cases, it may be possible to get both loans and grants for up to a combined total of $50,000.
- Home modification programs help you get a loan or a grant for repairs and certain home modifications.
- Eligibility conditions for seniors : be the homeowner, occupy the home, be unable to obtain affordable credit elsewhere, be a very-low-income.
- Check eligibility area : Eligibility by Rural area
- Link To have more details about the program : Contact by State
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program ( LIHEAP )
With energy costs increasing coupled with the necessity of having electricity to heat and cool homes, cook, for basic lighting, and other uses, seniors may find it difficult to pay bills. This is where the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program comes in.
This assistance can be used for :
- Energy bills for heating and cooling
- Bill payment assistance
- Energy-crisis assistance
- Energy-related repairs and modifications
- Weatherization
- LIHEAP helps families including seniors with low incomes lower their energy costs.
- To apply for this, you must have a low income within prescribed limits as specified by the program.
- You can check here for phone numbers of different states – all you need to do is call and check the details.
This is a program that helps improve energy efficiency in the senior’s homes, mainly to save energy bills. The assistance may also be used to cover insulation of windows, doors, flooring, ducts, and other repairs.
- The main eligibility criterion in this program is income. It gives priority to the elderly homes with a high energy burden. More details about the eligibility here
- To apply for this, you must have a low income within prescribed limits as specified by the program.
Medicaid Waivers
In an ideal situation, senior citizens should be able to live in their own homes and manage. However, they may find it financially difficult to do so.
For low-income seniors and those with disabilities, it may well be possible to get Medicaid waivers that will allow them to age in place.
These waivers are typically used to pay for
- Caregivers
- Attendants
- Adult daycare services
- Respite care
- Habilitation
- Home modifications
- Ramps or lifts
- Residential and employment supports
This is meant to offset the costs of institutional care that would otherwise be necessary for seniors, especially those with disabilities. It also helps in keeping seniors in their communities and their homes without the need for institutionalization.
Different states have different programs under this scheme. There are limitations regarding income and other requirements and the scheme is available on a first come first served basis.
- You can apply here.
Supplemental Security Support
Did you know that seniors and those with disabilities who have a low income or no income can get some supplemental income from the government? This supplemental security support is a program designed by the federal government.
If you are eligible, you may be able to get some cash from the government to take care of your needs. Apart from this, some states also offer financial support to low or no-income couples or individuals. This SSI is different from any social security benefits that you may get.
- The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program gives monthly payments to people 65 and older who have limited income and resources.
- The eligibility is determined using the age, income level, citizenship status, location, and marital status.
- Link to the application form : https://www.ssa.gov/apply
Supporting Housing For People With Disabilities
If a senior has any kind of physical, mental, or developmental disability, he or she may be eligible for housing assistance. Section 811 program is meant for very low-income people who can avail of it in two ways.
One is using interest-free capital assistance. The other is via project rental assistance contracts (PRAC) that are given to state housing agencies, where you may get help in getting a house.
- You can check your eligibility here.
Affordable Housing Through USDA
Another program is for multi-family affordable rental housing solutions across the country, in rural and remote areas. Different states have varied housing solutions.
While availability may be an issue, if you don’t mind moving, you may well be able to find something within your budget, whether you are low-income or middle-income.
- You can select your state, county and then the available properties by town : Affordable Housing Through USDA
Native American Elders
If you are is a Native American, you may be able to get help from the National Resource Center on Native American Aging. They have various programs for different tribal elders including
- Government-assisted housing
- Assisted living facilities
- Home health services
- Adult daycare
- Caregiver programs
- Meals at home or a center
- Home modification help
- Home Repair
- Legal assistance
- Personal care
- Respite care
- Shared housing
- Senior care recreational programs
- Many states have these facilities, but a few don’t. So you can check here.
Senior Veterans
The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs offers financial help to senior veterans.
This money may cover the cost of some facilities at assisted living or other residential facilities. This is not for room and board, however. Veterans may be eligible for
- Home health care
- Home care aide services
- Primary care
- Adult daycare
- Respite care
- Shared accommodation in adult family homes
- Assisted living facilities
- Many of these may require some amount of co-pay. The amount covered depends on various factors including years of service. You can check further details in this link.
- In case the senior veteran is homeless, then there may be housing support available. You can get further information from this resource.
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit
The low-income housing tax credit is available to property developers to encourage them to reserve a certain number of their units for low-cost housing.
This tax credit is meant to offset construction costs. The LIHTC program is for the rehabilitation, acquisition, or new construction of rental housing for the low-income group.
Under this program, low-cost rental housing ideally should be available to those who meet the criteria. Unfortunately, there are long waiting lists for these. While this funding is federal, each state has different rules and regulations.
- Check more details about LIHTC here : https://lihtc.huduser.gov/
Housing Choice Vouchers ( Section 8 )
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has a Section 8 Housing Voucher that low-income older adults can apply for. The senior can choose his or her own house anywhere and can apply for this voucher that pays a part of the rent.
The actual amount is determined by the agency, your income, the rental rates in the area, and other factors.
- Check more details about LIHTC here : https://www.usa.gov/housing-voucher-section-8
Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECM)
If you own your home or have paid off at least 50% of the mortgage, you may be eligible for this. Conversion Mortgage (HECM) usually gives you a line of credit that you can use. While you can pay it back, if possible, many seniors do not pay any money.
If the senior later moves to an assisted living facility or another accommodation or passes away the loan can be paid back by the heirs or the property is sold and the amount given to the lender.
- You can check the money that may be available to you on this link.
Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
If you are a senior of above 55 years, and unemployed, you may benefit from this program. This helps provide job opportunities to seniors and match them with jobs or assignments.
It offers pay at the highest level as per federal or state rates.
- You have to have a certain low income.
- You can apply here.
Elder Justice and Adult Protective Services
In case you are a senior who is facing any form of abuse or discrimination including financial abuse, you can get help from the government. You can also report if someone you know is facing some kind of abuse including housing.
- You can ask for help here.
Pension Counseling and Information Program
As a senior, if you have questions about your pension or retirement savings plan, or are not receiving what you are entitled to, you can seek free legal assistance.
Many government and publicly funded programs are available for seniors who are in the low-income group, are financially distressed, or have any health condition or disability. These are through various agencies. Some are federal and some are state-funded.
You may not be aware of the help and financial and other assistance available to you as a senior who is economically not well-off. Rest assured you may be able to get more than you think you can.
Other resources you can look up:
- https://www.ncoa.org/article/what-is-section-8-housing-an-overview-for-older-adults
- https://www.ncoa.org/article/how-older-adults-can-get-help-paying-for-housing
- https://www.findlaw.com/elder/elder-care-law/elderly-rental-assistance-programs.html
- https://www.usa.gov/housing-help
- https://eldercare.acl.gov/Public/Index.aspx/

A seasoned SEO specialist and a writer for gaming, senior well-being, and ride-on toys. With an analytical mind, sharpened by 14 years of experience as a finance controller. His unique ability to create engaging content is only exceeded by his skill in leveraging SEO strategies, a talent driven by his love for numbers and patterns.