After a succesful article on the benefits of word games for kids Time to think about our five Benefits of Word Games For Seniors! A study conducted by JFK LAB has shown that 63% of US seniors favour trivia games ( Word Puzzles / Crosswords / Online word search / Scrabbles) (1). These findings came as no surprise to our redaction team. In fact, word games have proved to attract a large community of seniors as it offers a wide range of benefits for them. Though word games improve individuals’ vocabulary, it offers equally stunning benefits for Seniors fans. Find out our top Benefits of Word Games For Seniors below, you will see why these games are in-demand.
Word Games Keep Your Memory Sharp
Memory lapses can occur at any age, but aging alone is generally not a cause of cognitive decline. When significant memory loss occurs among older people, it is generally not due to aging but to organic disorders, brain injury, or neurological illness.
Unlike many common beliefs, aging is not the primary factor for cognitive deficits (memory loss can occur at any age). For instance, organic disorders, brain injury or neurological illness cause significant memory loss among seniors. (2)
In this context, A Harvard study has shown that you can help prevent cognitive decline with some good health practices such: playing word games. Indeed, word Games reinforces your ability to retrieve memories (if you play Sudoku for example) as well as think strategically (if you play Scrabble). Playing word games is helpful because it involves employing a set of mental skills at once: memory, visualization, and sequencing. This explains why seniors playing word games have improved their scores on tests of attention, reasoning, and memory. (3)
Word Games Train Your Brain
You have fewer opportunities to practice concentration as you become older. You must be focused on completing all of the tasks on your weekly schedule, whether you are going to work or school. When you’re retired, on the other hand, you’re less inclined to fixate on a single pastime. Small projects around the house, for example, can provide such opportunities, however persons in assisted living facilities would have to find other methods to push themselves on a regular basis. It’s here that puzzles and word games come in handy. They require the participant to concentrate on certain tasks, allowing them to reach parts of the brain that they would not ordinarily have access to.
The more active a senior keeps in his/her brain, the more they can delay the onset of these disorder’s negative effects.
Word Games Alleviate Stress
What could be stressing older people? Sadly, when you enter your sixties, stress is a kind of constant concern – it does not magically disappear. Stress comes in many various forms. Some senior citizens face health difficulties, others have financial problems that distract them, and others may struggle to identify a real meaning in their changing way of life.
Primarily, No matter what causes it, stress should be eased.
Undoubtedly, Distraction is the vital element to beat anxiety and uneasiness. If you cannot turn to something that diverts your attention, then nervousness will like to get you. Therefore, our seniors are required to undertake something that stimulates their thinking such as: Puzzles, Words, Crosswords. Engaging in word games will kick our seniors’ heels and assist them in alleviating stress. It locks their brain to other pressures and makes them enjoy the pleasure of solving challenging word games levels.
Overall, Word games captivate the mind that’s why they serve as a significant great stress reliever for our seniors. Got a lot on your mind? Distressed about something? Try doing a word game. It will lower your heart rate, relax your mind, and you will start feeling sane and safe.
Word Games Build Social Bonds:
Positive social bonds are fundamental for a seniors’ mental health, and word games can really help elderly players interact with their community. In fact word games support seniors to maintain their social relationship on two levels: with their family members as well as with their community as they may join clubs where you may meet others to play games.
On one hand, if you are concerned about how grandma will spend time with your kids, word games are indeed excellent choices.
Though kids and grandparents would not perform equally, word games are fun for both generations and offer a superb opportunity to bond as grandparents can assist and monitor kids through the challenging levels of word games.
One the other hand, many retirement communities organize word puzzle clubs for their residents. You might even be impressed how many of these games can actually be played in groups. For instance, an impressive concept to bring seniors together is to organize a word puzzle tournament. Within this contest, players are divided into different teams and have the same word puzzle. The first team to finish wins the tournament. In another part, you can apply this main notion to any type of word/brain game. So, why not ask your friends to come over for a cup of tea and a word puzzle the next time you feel somewhat overwhelmed?
Word Games Boost Self Esteem
Boredom will indeed settle in if someone (not only seniors) has an empty schedule. Boredom leads to lack of energy and enthusiasm which will lead to depression and low self-esteem. So, what is the best way to tackle boredom? Exactly: You know the answer! Yes! Word Games.
Aside from being a substantial boredom killer, Doing a word search and completing it search games and winning challenging levels releases a healthy dose of dopamine in the brain playing word. In fact, this hormone spread feel-good feel feelings. The reduction of dopamine with aging is believed to be responsible for numerous neurological symptoms that double in frequency with age. Thus, dopamine is always needed for seniors.
In this context, we have concluded that elderly people who want to experience this happiness need only keep their brains active with word searches and other word puzzles too.
We never heard of someone who wants to lose. Everyone loves to win and solving a puzzle or finding an impressive answer is a great mood booster. It also helps build self-esteem. Last but not least, spending time in a word search puzzle is entertaining. Seniors also want to have fun …what better way to do so than with word games!
(1) Statista. 2021. U.S. seniors preferred video game genres 2016 | Statista. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 22 October 2021].
(2) Harvard Health. 2021. 6 simple steps to keep your mind sharp at any age – Harvard Health. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 24 October 2021].
(3) Harvard Health. 2021. Simple, low-cost, low-tech brain training – Harvard Health. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 23 October 2021].

A Content Writer & Freelance Translator. He enjoys writing about mental health, fun for seniors, educational apps, and entertainment for all. In his spare time, he enjoys watching football, playing video Games, and good laugh with his friends.